Wednesday, May 14, 2014

This week's training schedule

Late on posting my schedule for the week as the past couple of days have been pretty busy.

Here is my training schedule for the week according to Hal Higdon's intermediate program:
Monday - Stretch & Strengthen  4.5 miles
Tuesday - 4.5 miles 
Wednesday - 8x400 5k pace 3.51 miles
Thursday - 3 mile run + strength
Friday - rest
Saturday - 4 mile pace
Sunday - 9 miles

So on Monday I ran my 4.5 miles since I knew that I would not be able to go to the gym in the morning, nor could I do it in the evening with dinner plans. I remember feeling pretty good and strong throughout the run. It was nice because I actually ran outside as we had just got back from our Rickett's Glen trip. 

Today, I ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill at the gym. I thought about doing the 8X400 but it's harder to do that on a treadmill (wish I could run on a track), so I just went with a regular run starting at 6.5 speed and increased it at each mile and by the end I was at 7.2. I felt ok running, I probably could have ran longer but I didn't want to overdo it.

The rest of the day was crazy busy, from getting an oil change for the car, grocery shopping, picking up Payton, laundry, getting dinner prepared, I can't say that I'm not tired. I even took Collin to the park before picking up his brother. Got this picture of him and it just makes me happy. 

Tomorrow is another day where I will most likely tweak my schedule as I've got a morning MOMS club meeting to go to. However, I may be able to get my run in the evening. We'll see. 

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