Monday, September 22, 2014

Half Marathon Training Week 10: 9/15-9/21

Here's a recap of last week's workouts:

Monday 9/15 - 5 mile run on the treadmill

Tuesday 9/16 - Piyo Drench for the first time. Tough workout and was definitely drenched by the end.
Wednesday 9/17 - 45 minute tempo run on the D&R Canal trail.
Thursday 9/18 - Rest
Friday 9/19 - 3 mile run on the treadmill
Saturday 9/20 - My scheduled 11 mile training run along with the Beat the Blerch Virtual 10K Run. Felt pretty good. 
Sunday 9/21 - Rest

The Wineglass half marathon is a little less than two weeks away! I'd say my training week this week was decent. Only got one workout of PiYo but I guess that is better than no workout of PiYo. I didn't do much strength training either. I'm just happy I got my runs in. We'll see if I can do better cross training this week.

How was your week?


  1. Lynda@fitnessmomwinecountrySeptember 22, 2014 at 10:12 AM

    Sharon great training plan...You are going to do awesome on the run:)

  2. Good job with your workouts! I like your D&R Canal Trail pics, so cool that you get to run on a trail like that! My week went good, thanks!

  3. Thanks! Yeah I'm feel lucky that I live so close to such a nice trail! Glad to hear your week went well!

  4. You're so close!! I just started piyo, but I'm not doing it full out. I really like it so far. How far are you into piyo?

  5. I've just done a few of the workouts, but like them. Wait till you try Sweat or Drench. They are tough!

  6. nice pics. Looks like you are keeping great paces on your long runs. You're ready!
    Confessions of A Mother Runner
