Wednesday, September 10, 2014

My First Outdoor Yoga Experience & Happiness Day

On Saturday, I experienced my first outdoor yoga session. A friend of mine, let me know that they were offering free yoga sessions in Palmer Square in Princeton for Happiness Day. I told her I was definitely interested, especially since after starting PiYo, I have been becoming more interested in yoga moves. Not sure if it's from all the pics I see on Instagram or on Facebook, but my interest for PiYo and Yoga has definitely gone up. 

I for one, have never really been a yoga fan. I remember trying it probably 7 years ago and not liking it. I didn't think it was a great workout. I was more into cardio and running. If I didn't break a good sweat, I didn't think it was worth it. But after trying PiYo recently, my views have definitely changed. 
The yoga session outdoors went pretty good. First of all, the session was hard! With the heat and humidity, I was dripping with sweat pretty early on. As a beginner, I did feel out of place, especially because the whole row of ladies in front of us seemed to be really good and regulars of yoga (I had the feeling they went to yoga everyday). However, the teacher was great and even walked around to give us advice and helped those that needed it by fixing our posture. There were also other instructors walking around to help those that needed it. I felt shaky in some moves and unbalanced, and definitely not flexible but I'm sure that will change as I do more. I really enjoyed the outdoor session. Even though it was hot and humid, it was really nice when we had to look up into the sky. There was serene music playing and there was just something peaceful about looking up into the blue sky with patches of clouds or even when we closed our eyes. It just felt really nice. After the session I felt great! I was definitely happy.
Happiness Day was put on by the Family Guidance Center in Princeton. They had a pamphlet they handed out and I just wanted to share the Happiness Habits they listed because I like what they stated. 

Happiness Habits

-Stop and Smell the Roses;
 Take moments during the day to breathe, slow down and be in the moment
-Keep A Gratitude Journal;
 Write down something every day that you are thankful for
-Take Care of Your Body;
 Eat Right, Exercise, Get a Good Night's Sleep
-Practice Kindness;
 Try to create a happy moment for someone else.
-Nurture Relationships;
 People in strong relationships tend to be happier in the long term.
-Do things that make you happy
 It sounds obvious, but we could all spend more time doing what makes us happy.

What do you think of yoga?


  1. I think yoga is hard too! I've only done the yoga in P90X3 and PiYo so I'm a total newb lol. Those are great happiness habits. Thanks for sharing!

  2. That looks like so much fun! I didn't ever like yoga either but I have been doing hot yoga and love it!
    Confessions of A Mother Runner

  3. Awesome! Yeah, I think it takes getting used to at first for some.

  4. You've probably done more than I have! :) I really liked the happiness habits too!

  5. I like those Happiness Habits. I always feel funky when I'm in Yoga class but I do want to get better! Seems like a fun experience, outdoor yoga!

  6. Thanks! It was fun! I'm not flexible at all, but I'm hoping that if I do it more, I'll get better. :)

  7. I took a yoga class on the beach and it was awesome! I am not flexible at all so I am trying to work yoga classes into my life!

  8. I hear ya about not being flexible! Yoga on the beach sounds very cool! :)
