Monday, October 20, 2014

Half Marathon Training 10/13-10/19

Here's a recap of last week's workouts:

Monday 10/13- Rest
Tuesday 10/14- 3.4 mile walk with a friend
Wednesday 10/15- 4 mile run with MRTT friends. This was a tough run for me, not sure what it was, but I blame my tiredness on the heat and humidity that day! :p
Thursday 10/16- Got some speed work done. 10x400's at 5k pace. Felt pretty good running, a lot better than the previous day.
Friday 10/17- PiYo core with my silly 3 year old. :p
Saturday 10/18- 9 mile long run with my friend Laurel. 
Sunday 10/19- Rest day. My Mother-In-Law was in town but up north, near White Plains, NY so we spent the day visiting her. We went to the Muscoot Farm which is pretty neat. The kiddos had fun visiting with Grandma and we all enjoyed pumpkin picking, checking out the farm animals, and a cool hayride.
I'd say I had an ok week training wise. I would have liked to get another run in on Friday, but I got lazy and just did PiYo instead. I had my 3 year old that morning and I didn't really feel like heading into the gym and running on the treadmill. 

Sunday is the Perfect 10 Miler race! I'm excited for it as I haven't done a 10 miler in a while and I hope to run this one pretty strong. I also like how this run is really closeby so no long traveling is necessary. My next race after that, a couple of weeks later will be the Trenton 10k. Then a couple of weeks after that, the Philly Half! So many runs to be run in November!! :)

How was your week?