Today' s topic is "Does Your Mind Wander? Thoughts While Working Out or Running."
For me while running, my mind can be all over the place and sometimes not. Here are some of the things that I think about while actually running:
Weather - The first think I think about when I head out the door and step outside is the weather. I will think things like "Ah this is perfect weather. I love it!" or it could be "Yikes it's freezing! What am I even doing out?" or even "It's so hot and humid, hope this water is enough to keep me hydrated." Whatever the case, weather is something I think about on a run.
Scenery - Lately I can't help but think about the scenery outside especially with all of the beautiful fall foliage. I will think about how pretty where I am running is or if I'm running a race how cute this neighborhood is, or wow, what an awesome bridge. Scenery is something easy to think about while running.
Race coming up/miles left - Sometimes I think about the race I'm training for and what time I hope to get. Or while doing a run I will think how many more miles do I have left to run. Example: I'm doing an 8 mile run and when I get to 4 miles, I'll think "Yay, I'm halfway there!" and I do a countdown from there. Things like that are what I think frequently while I run.
Music - I listen to music when I run so I can get lost in the lyrics sometimes and just sing them in my head or even out loud. :p Music helps a ton on longer runs for me.
Chores/cleaning - Sometimes while running I think about how much cleaning I need to get done, especially if someone is coming over. :p
Family - Sometimes while running I think about Hubby and the kiddos and wonder what they are up to, or if I wake up early for a run I wonder if Hubby is even up yet. ;) I think about what our plans are for the day and what is scheduled. Either way I am really lucky to have a hubby that is supportive of my running. I think I am very lucky in this aspect.
Nothing at all - A lot of the time, I don't think I'm really thinking of anything and I am in a zone. I remember reading somewhere (not sure where it was) but if you look straight ahead and focus on something way out in front of you, I zone in on that and just run, not really thinking about anything. I just run. :)
These are a lot of the things I think about when running. What do you think about?