Monday, November 10, 2014

Half Marathon Training 11/3-11/9

Here's a recap of last week's workouts:

Monday 11/3- 5 mile run on the Canal trail.
Tuesday 11/4- 3 mile walk with a friend at Colonial Park.
 It was so pretty out.
Wednesday 11/5- 3.5 mile run with running friends along with some sprints on the soccer field. The sprints were challenging especially since one of the gals is a lot faster than I am!
Thursday 11/6- PiYo Core
Friday 11/7- Rest
Saturday 11/8- Trenton 10K. Recap on the blog coming soon!
Sunday 11/9- Was supposed to get an 11 mile long run this weekend, and with the Trenton 10K on Saturday, I did a 5 mile run in the morning to get the mileage. 
Not a bad week in terms of workouts. Even got in PiYo so I am happy. The Trenton 10K on Saturday was a good run, but due to being sore from the sprints on Wednesday, I was unable to run as fast as I would have liked. It's ok though as I still PR'd from last years run and am happy about that. Next time I will take it easy on sprints if there is a race the same weekend, lesson learned.

A little less than two weeks for the Philly Half marathon. I'm getting excited as it will be my last big race of the season. I'm looking forward to this one as it's one of those big races with thousands and thousands of people, it should be a good one. :)

How was your week?