I signed up to volunteer at a water station by the boat house which was at around mile 5.5 of the half marathon. We were told to get to our station by 6:30am. Me and my friend got there on time and met our fellow volunteers. It was a nice mix of volunteers - a couple of the volunteers were runners, a couple had a family member running in the race, and a majority were from a local pharmaceutical company. We helped set up the tables and started pouring water and the energy drink (MVP from Wegmans) that was provided for the runners.
Energy drink
A pic with my friend Junko before the runners came by.
It was such a wonderful experience I am going to give you some reasons I feel everyone, especially runners should volunteer for a race at least some point in their life.
1. It's inspiring! You get to see all levels of running. You will see the fastest of the fast, the middle of the pack, and then the slower runners. To me, they are all inspiring, no matter the speed because they are all out there running the same 13.1 miles and finishing.
2. It's fun cheering on the runners. I had a great time cheering on the runners. When you say things like "Great Job!" "Way to go!" or "You got this" I see that they really appreciate it, especially when they smile back at you and say thanks. I think back to when I am running a race, the cheering definitely helps. It is so nice to be able to reciprocate and hopefully help the runners push it and keep on going like other volunteers have done for me.
3. Give back to the running community. This goes hand in hand with cheering. As a runner, it was my turn to cheer on other runners and help hydrate them by handing out water or energy drinks. I have done many races and am thankful for all those that volunteer and this is a great way to do the same.
4. Meet new people. For a few hours you are working together with new people to help others. It was nice hearing their stories of why they were there, if they knew any of the runners, who they were supporting. There is just something about cheering with other volunteers, it's like you have this camaraderie even though we haven't known each other long.
5. Volunteers are important for races to run smoothly. When you volunteer for a race, you help make the race happen. Without volunteers there probably would not be a race. The success of a race depends on volunteers.
1. It's inspiring! You get to see all levels of running. You will see the fastest of the fast, the middle of the pack, and then the slower runners. To me, they are all inspiring, no matter the speed because they are all out there running the same 13.1 miles and finishing.
2. It's fun cheering on the runners. I had a great time cheering on the runners. When you say things like "Great Job!" "Way to go!" or "You got this" I see that they really appreciate it, especially when they smile back at you and say thanks. I think back to when I am running a race, the cheering definitely helps. It is so nice to be able to reciprocate and hopefully help the runners push it and keep on going like other volunteers have done for me.
3. Give back to the running community. This goes hand in hand with cheering. As a runner, it was my turn to cheer on other runners and help hydrate them by handing out water or energy drinks. I have done many races and am thankful for all those that volunteer and this is a great way to do the same.
4. Meet new people. For a few hours you are working together with new people to help others. It was nice hearing their stories of why they were there, if they knew any of the runners, who they were supporting. There is just something about cheering with other volunteers, it's like you have this camaraderie even though we haven't known each other long.
5. Volunteers are important for races to run smoothly. When you volunteer for a race, you help make the race happen. Without volunteers there probably would not be a race. The success of a race depends on volunteers.
I will definitely volunteer again. It's a great experience! Have you ever volunteered? Would you consider it?
I’m linking this post up with this week’s Workout Wednesday (WOW) Link Up! Brought to you by hostesses Diatta Harris | Femme Fitale Fit Club and Sheila Simmons | The Frugal Exerciser and co-hostesses: Amanda | Eat Hard Work Hard and Heather | Divas Run For Bling.