Monday, June 1, 2015

Last Week's Workouts and Weekend Update 5/25-5/31

My next scheduled race is not until the fall, the Brooklyn Rock N Roll Half marathon, so I won't be on a training plan until July or August. I must say it is pretty nice to not have to follow any type of schedule. 

Here's a recap of last week's workouts:

Monday 5/25 - Rest
Tuesday 5/26 - 3.4 miles with friends and some tennis afterwards.
Wednesday 5/27 - Rest
Thursday 5/28 - 4 miles
Friday 5/29 - 2 mile jog/walk while my 4 year old rode his scooter.
Saturday 5/30 - 8 mile run with friends
Sunday 5/31 - Speed workout on the track with a friend. Crazy tough because we sprinted all out on the straight aways and jogged the curbs for 4 laps. Then we jogged through a nearby neighborhood and did some high knee drills and butt kicks along the way. Speed work is really hard but great in the long run in terms of a workout.
As to the weekend, on Saturday, after the early  8 mile run in the morning, we headed to my 4 year old's soccer game.
Then there was T-ball for our newly turned 6 year old (he is 6 today June 1st)!
The pool at our condo is now open so we had some friends over and enjoyed swimming and hanging out at the pool. 
We ended the night with fireworks in Princeton. It was Alumni weekend and they have a great fireworks show each year! It starts off with music from Princeton's Orchestra. 
I love how the fireworks are synced to songs chosen by certain graduating classes each year. The show is pretty awesome!
On Sunday, after my crazy speed workout, we relaxed a bit before heading out on a short hike with some friends at the Sourland Mountain Preserve. I will have a blog post on the trip coming soon!
That sums up the weekend! Linking this post up with Tara at Running N’ Reading for her Weekend Update.
Running 'N' Reading
How was your weekend?