
Monday, October 31, 2016

Rock'n'Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon Training 10/24-10/30

Happy Halloween! It's been another good week of workouts. Fall is definitely here in Northern California. We have managed to get some good rain this week. The kiddos last soccer games were even cancelled due to soggy fields. My runs were decent and it's been nice to run in cloudier conditions. 

Here's a recap of last week's workouts:

Monday, October 24, 2016

Rock'n'Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon Training 10/17-10/23

It's been a good week of running since the marathon! I know some take more rest after a full marathon, but since I've been feeling good I went with more runs this week. I didn't want to take too much of a break with Rock'n'Roll Las Vegas coming up next month. Only about 3 weeks away before I do the remix challenge and I'm very excited! I can't wait to run the strip at night! I'm not really following a strict half marathon schedule, kinda just winging it so we'll see how that fares.

Here's a recap of last week's workouts:

Friday, October 21, 2016

Light Your Run with Knuckle Lights - Review

Light Your Run with Knuckle Lights - Review
I was provided the opportunity to receive this product without charge in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Sometimes running in the early mornings is a must for me. At times it is the only way I can get in my run in for the day or it's the only time some of my running friends can go. We tend to go around 5:15am at the earliest and at that time it is pretty dark. I'm not a fan of headlamps since I have tried using them and I ended up with a headache. I have been in search for some sort of light source when running in the morning, so when I was given the opportunity to try out Knuckle Lights I was excited to test them out.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Week after the Chicago Marathon & Weekly Wrap 10/10-10/16

Last week went by pretty fast and I'm glad it did because I took the week off  of running (well almost a full week, 6 days) to recover and it has been hard not to run. If you missed my Chicago Marathon recap, you can check it out here. I did get in a bunch of walking which I think also helped with recovery but I was itching to run again. I ran for the first time yesterday and it felt great. 

Here's what last week looked like:

Saturday, October 15, 2016

My First Marathon!! My Chicago Marathon Race Recap 10/9/16

Chicago Marathon Race Recap
Last Sunday I ran my first full marathon in Chicago!! I can now say I'm marathoner! It is pretty crazy to look back when I used to say I would never do one. Your views certainly change after running a bunch of half marathons and seeing others do it. You just get inspired and when I entered the lottery for Chicago it turned out to be the one. I followed a 16 week training plan that I found on Runner's Connect to prepare me for the race. Here's a recap of how the race went. Just to warn you, this a lengthy post with lots of pictures. :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Chicago Marathon Training Week 16 and Weekly Wrap: 10/3-10/9

What a week! I can now say I'm a marathoner! :) My time in Chicago was a blast! It was great seeing running friends and making new ones. I got to spend the whole weekend with my sis, we both ran the marathon and it was so nice exploring the city together. Look out for the recap of my first marathon sometime this week on the blog. 

Here's what last week's workouts leading up to the Chicago Marathon looked like:

Friday, October 7, 2016

Rock ‘n’ Roll San Jose Half Marathon Race Recap 10/2/16

Rock ‘n’ Roll San Jose Half Marathon Race Recap
Last weekend I ran the streets of San Jose. I ran the Rock'n'Roll San Jose Half marathon. I had heard it was a fast course and I could totally see how this course is one to PR since it is pretty flat. Unfortunately with the Chicago Marathon coming up, I was unable to race it so it was a fun and enjoyable run this time.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Chicago Marathon Training Week 15: 9/26-10/2

Week 15 of Chicago marathon training is in the books. It went well and I got in the runs scheduled except added a few extra miles for the week with the Rock'n'Roll San Jose half marathon yesterday! I can't believe that I'll be running my first full marathon in just 6 days! I am excited about heading to Chicago not just for the run but to see the city since it will be my first time there!

Here's a recap of last week's workouts: