Week 15 of Chicago marathon training is in the books. It went well and I got in the runs scheduled except added a few extra miles for the week with the Rock'n'Roll San Jose half marathon yesterday! I can't believe that I'll be running my first full marathon in just 6 days! I am excited about heading to Chicago not just for the run but to see the city since it will be my first time there!
Monday 9/26 -
Actual: Made up my 10 mile long run.
Tuesday 9/27 -
Scheduled: 5 miles easy w/ 4x20 sec. strides @ 7:08 per mile pace
Actual: Off. Went for a rest day since I did the 10 miles on Monday.
Wednesday 9/28 -
Scheduled: Off
Actual: Did Tuesday's workout. 5 miles easy w/ 4x20 sec. strides (6:45, 6:44, 6:41, 5:54).
Thursday 9/29 -
Scheduled: 1 mile w/u, 2x3 miles @ 8:35-8:44 w/ 3 min rest, 1 mile c/d
Actual: Off
Friday 9/30 -
Scheduled: Off
Actual: Did Thursday's workout with a friend. 1 mile w/u, 2x3 miles @ (8:38, 8:29, 8:32) & (8:36, 8:27, 8:25 but only did .9 last mile because I stopped my watch at 7 miles and forgot we walked for 3 minutes in between. Overall felt pretty good on this run.
Saturday 10/1 -
Scheduled: 5 miles easy
Actual: Off. I finished September with 161 miles! Most ever mileage in a month for me. Not too surprised since I ran two 20 milers!
Sunday 10/2 -
Scheduled: 6 miles easy
Actual: Ran the Rock'n'Roll San Jose Half marathon!
The weekend was great! It started out with the kiddos soccer games Saturday morning. The both did well.
After their games we headed to San Jose for the Rock'n'Roll San Jose expo where I picked up my bib and shirt.
After the expo, we had some time before dinner and checked out the San Jose Museum of Art. It was free for us since me and Hubby are Bank of America customers. They've got a great program Musuems on Us where if you show your debit card, you can get in free to participating museums.
Sunday, was of course the half marathon in the morning and I had a fun time. More about the race will be in my recap coming soon!
After the run, we had a birthday party to go to for one of the kiddo's classmate. They had a blast bouncing around at the party.
Once the party was over, I was ready to relax. It was a busy weekend! I'm so excited for the upcoming week in Chicago! It's going to be so much fun seeing my sis and exploring the city!
That pretty much sums up my week! Linking this post up with HoHo Runs and MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap.

Have a great week!
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