
Saturday, September 26, 2020

Twin Lakes trail, Boomerang and Island Lakes Hike 7/29/20

Twin Lakes trail, Boomerang and Island Lakes Hike
The next hike we did after Rockville Hills Regional Park, was an adventure that took us into Desolation Wilderness. We decided to explore the Twin Lakes trail to Boomerang and Island Lakes. It turned out to be a pretty awesome hike!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Boston Virtual Marathon Race Recap 9/19/20

Boston Virtual Marathon Race Recap 9/19/20
Last Saturday I was finally able to run the Boston Virtual Marathon. I was supposed to get it done the previous weekend, but due to the fires here in Northern California, the air quality was in the unhealthy or even hazardous zones. It would have been really bad for my lungs if I ran it that weekend. However when I found out the Boston Athletic Association extended the time to complete the race, I was very happy. It's really great they 
were considerate of our health and safety.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Rockville Hills Regional Park Hike 7/20/20

Rockville Hills Regional Park Hike
Hubby hurt his ankle not too long after we did the Horsetail Falls hike so we had to wait quite a bit before our next hike. When his ankle was better, we chose Rockville Hills Regional park because it was closer to home and it wasn't a strenuous hike. We had actually done this hike 4 years ago with one of my son's Cub Scout troop. You can check out that hike here.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Horsetail Falls Hike 6/6/20

Horsetail Falls Hike 6/6/20
In early June, we ventured to Horsetail Falls. It had been a while since we've hiked there. The last time we were there was 4 years ago. You can check out that post here. It was a fun trip to see the falls again.

Friday, August 28, 2020

North Table Mountain Hike - Beatson & Phantom Falls Loop 5/23/20

North Table Mountain hike 5/23/30
I know I have been pretty bad about posting about the hikes I've done. It's been a while since I've posted any hikes, actually it looks like it's been a couple of years (4/2018 was the last time I posted a hike). :p Anyway, I'm hoping to get back into recapping some of the hikes we've done in 2020. The first one will be our hike at Table Mountain from back in May.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Get Outside with Tanri Sunscreen and Lip Balm

Tanri Sunscreen & Lip Balm Review & discount

I was provided the opportunity to receive this product without charge in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Living in NorCal, especially in the Sacramento Valley where it is sunny most of the year, sunscreen is a must. We all know we should protect our skin from harmful ultraviolet rays so we don't get skin cancer. I apply sunscreen on most all my runs and hikes, so when I was given the opportunity to try out Tanri, I was excited to try them out because it was a new brand to me. 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Salmon Falls 50K Race Recap 2/29/20

Salmon Falls 50K Race Recap 2/29/20
I ran my first 50k (31 miles!) over a month ago. I am so bad about doing my race recaps right after the race but with what is going on in the world right now, I can't say that I don't have the time to write this up. I hope everyone is being safe and staying home with Covid-19 out there. 

As to my recap, I ran the Salmon Falls 50k and it was a great first ultra marathon! I finished so I'm happy.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Fenix HM50R Multipurpose LED Headlamp Review

I was provided the opportunity to receive this product without charge in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. 

I had not worn a headlamp for running in a while. The one that I used (around 6-7 years ago) was pretty heavy and gave me a headache when I ran. I figured it was time to give another headlamp a shot and when I was given the opportunity to try the Fenix HM50R headlamp I couldn't say no. Especially since I knew that the Fenix brand was great having already reviewed their Fenix CL30R Camping Lantern, the brightest lantern I've ever owned. You can check out that review here.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Davis Turkey Trot 5K w/ the Fam 11/23/19

Here's another very late race recap but I figure it's better late than never. I ran the Davis Turkey Trot 5K with my 8 year old. Hubby ran it too but raced it on his own. The Turkey trot 5K was a great race for us! It's my second time doing the race. I ran it with my eldest son in 2016 and you can read the recap here. It was so fun to run it with my youngest this time and he definitely surprised me at the finish on this one. :)

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Tunnel Light Marathon Race Recap 9/15/19

I ran my 6th marathon at the Tunnel Light Marathon in North Bend, WA in September (yes, this post is way late but I actually wrote it up at the airport but never posted it due to not getting the pics organized). It was my second time running this course. I ran it last year and you can check out my recap here. It was great because my sister and friend Lenora ran it again too. This was my backup race in case I didn't qualify for Boston at Revel Mt. Hood marathon. I was hoping I could qualify again since this race counts for 2020 and 2021 but mentally I wasn't in the race. However both my sister and Lenora wanted to qualify so it turned out to be an exciting race for them!